


澳洲技術移民再度公佈審查優先職業名單, 實行日期為2009年9月23日適用於此實行日期之後送件之申請案。

移民部長所公佈最新審查優先職業名單 (Visa Processing Priorities)將適用下列申請類別:

• Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) 雇主提名

• Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) 區域贊助

• General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas except for: 所有技術移民類別, 除了476/883/及887三項類別以外
Skilled – Recognised Graduate Subclass 476 澳洲認可之海外大學(目前台灣的大學並未在名單中
Skilled – Designated Area – Sponsored (Residence) Subclass 883 (澳洲境內申請,且有特定區域親屬擔保)
Skilled – Regional Subclass 887. (境內申請)

依照部長指示, 以下為審查優先名單 (按照最優先次序編列)
Under the Ministerial Direction, the following processing priorities (with highest priority listed first) apply:
1. applications from people who are employer sponsored under the ENS and the RSMS (雇主提名及區域贊助申請案)
2. applications from people who are nominated by a State/Territory government and whose nominated occupation is listed on the Critical Skills List (CSL) (有州政府贊助,且職業在急需求名單)
3. applications from people who are sponsored by family and whose nominated occupation is listed on the CSL (有親屬擔保,且職業在急需求名單)
4. applications from people who are neither nominated nor sponsored but whose nominated occupation is listed on the CSL (沒有任何擔保或贊助, 但職業在急需求名單)
5. applications from people who are nominated by a State/Territory government whose nominated occupation is not listed on the CSL (有州政府贊助,但職業不在急需求名單)
6. (i) applications from people whose occupations are listed on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL) and 職業在需求名單
(ii) applications from people who are sponsored by family and whose nominated occupation is not listed on the CSL. (有親屬贊助, 但職業不在急需求名單)
7. all other applications are to be processed in the order in which they are received.

對於485類別, 審查優先順序如下: (按照最優先次序編列)
For the Subclass 485 (Skilled – Graduate) visa the following processing priorities (with highest priority listed first) apply:

1. applications from people who have completed an Australian Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) at an Australian educational institution in Australia 在澳洲境內完成澳洲教育機構所提供之博士學位

2. applications from people who have nominated an occupation on the CSL 申請案所提名的職業在急需求名單

3. applications from people who have completed an Australian Bachelor degree and Australian Masters degree at an Australian educational institution in Australia 在澳洲境內完成澳洲教育機構所提供之學士及碩士學位

4. applications from people who have completed an Australian Bachelor degree and Australian Honours degree (at least upper second class level) at an Australian educational institution in Australia 在澳洲境內完成澳洲教育機構所提供之學士學位及榮譽課程(Upper second class level)

5. applications from people who have completed an Australian Bachelor degree or Australian Masters degree at an Australian educational institution in Australia 在澳洲境內完成澳洲教育機構所提供之學士或碩士學位

6. all other valid applications are to be processed in the order in which they are received. (其它申請案以收件次序排隊審理)

商業技術類別(provisional visa)優先審查順序如下: (按照最優先次序編列)
For Business Skills (Provisional) visas the following processing priorities (with highest priority listed first) apply:
1. applications from people who are sponsored by the Commonwealth or a State/Territory government 有州政府贊助
2. all other valid applications are to be processed in the order in which they are received. (其它申請案以收件次序排隊審理)

目前急需求名單 Critical Skills List 為2009年3月16日所公佈的名單, 並未改變) 。而需求名單MODL目前正在 review 檢討評估中, 預計2009年底會公佈最新的MODL名單。
